Sustainable Growth

Accelerator Seminar
How to Make Job Break-ups Less Painful
3 Steps that every HR should know before saying “Good-bye”

Let’s face it. No one likes to have to fire someone or to be fired. While the constant news of cost-cutting and downsizing may numb employees to some extent, it does not make anyone immune from the impact of losing their jobs. Indeed, job loss represents both financial and emotional hardship for employees.
Forget about change management. You can plan and manage all kinds of change but witnessing an employee’s reaction to redundancy can be scary. Just like the break-up of any relationship, the outcome can be devastating if notification and post-notification arrangements are not properly handled. If you have never been very good at exercising empathy, for once this is probably your time to step into the shoes of a retrenched staff and feel the pain of job loss.
While companies cannot avoid economic downturns or future company reorganization efforts, an effective HR department can help management understand the benefits of working with departing staff before commencing reorganization. In this short talk, we'll uncover the 'dos and don'ts' of the 3 key steps of reorganization - pre-event consulting, notification and transition.
Complimentary Session
30 June 2016 Thursday, 4.30-6pm
5/F, Island Place Tower, 510 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong
We cordially invite HR Directors and Workforce Planning Specialists who are responsible for restructuring/reorganizational exercise
Understanding the costs and impact of reorganization
Knowing when restructuring exercise should be implemented internally or with the help of consultants
Why outplacement services should be offered to all retrenched staff regardless of their years of service, experience and capabilities
Lessons learned from HSBC, Bloomberg, GE, Nokia Networks and Autodesk
Anthony Wong, Consultant & Facilitator
Connie Tsui-Burchfield, Managing Director